This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes CPPGroup Plc’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2022.
Organisation Structure and Business
CPPGroup Plc (“CPP or “the Group”) is a global provider of assistance products and resolution services with turnover of approximately £171m and approximately 5,100 colleagues worldwide. Our business operates from the UK, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and India. Given the nature of CPP’s business, the Board and management consider the risk of modern slavery in the business or within its supply chain to be low.
Our policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking
CPP’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, which applies to all companies within the Group, reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains or in any part of our business.
Due diligence and supply chains
A range of policies is in place to help identify and mitigate risk in the business, including that of slavery and human trafficking, and to ensure appropriate behaviours throughout the Group. These include:
- Group Supplier Management Policy
- Group Whistleblowing Policy
- Group Anti-Bribery Policy
- Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
- Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy
- Group Culture Policy
A due diligence exercise is carried out before contracting with any supplier and the risk profile of larger suppliers will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Where relevant, based on a risk assessment, anti-slavery and human trafficking obligations will be included in contracts with suppliers, and we expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards.
Training on the risk our business faces from modern slavery in its supply chains is mandatory for all new joiners and will be repeated biannually, with more in-depth training provided as appropriate.
A copy of the full Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy is available to colleagues on the Group’s intranet.

Simon Pyper
Chief Executive Officer
Signed on behalf of the Board of CPPGroup Plc
Approved by the CPPGroup Plc Board of Directors on 21 March 2023